The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Shares Findings from Avenue M Research Study.

Avenue M Group is mentioned in “Survey, 65 Percent of Built Environment Employees Say It’s Important to Increase Diversity,” a news release from the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). The news release references a 2021 research study Avenue M conducted on behalf of NIBS where Avenue M sent a social equity survey to 18 organizations in the built environment. Nearly 12,000 responses were collected from respondents across the United States.

The survey revealed important data on the workforce of the built environment such as, “Sixty-six percent of women respondents indicated they experienced discrimination or prejudice in the built environment based on gender.” According to the President and CEO of NIBS, “The built environment needs a workforce and culture transformation, and this survey is just the first step to establish baseline data and set actionable goals. NIBS remains dedicated to the work that lies ahead.”

To learn more about Avenue M’s involvement in the research study, click here.
To access the full research report, click here.

June 2021

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