Board Forward Interviews Avenue M CEO about Association Growth
Board Forward Interviews Avenue M CEO about Association Growth
In “Perspectives on Association Growth,” Sheri Jacobs, FASAE, CAE, shares 3 crucial questions that associations should consider for future growth.
(Image: Adobe Stock)
In an interview by Board Forward, Sheri Jacobs, FASAE, CAE, shared her thoughts on the future of associations and how volunteer boards can craft an effective strategy for growth.
When asked about what the future holds for associations, Sheri said, “I’m very optimistic! There are some core ideals that have not changed. We always need to stay up-to-date in our professions, and there’s always going to be a need for education, credentialing and advocacy. But more than that, I believe there’s always going to be a need for community — associations are a way for us to share and exchange ideas with our peers.”
Responding to a question about what associations can learn from corporate practices, Sheri presented 3 questions to guide volunteer boards as they position their association for future growth:
- How well do we know our “customers”?
- Are we offering member-centric pricing options?
- Are we allowing people to access and interact with the association in ways that suit their needs, rather than conform to ours?
To see Sheri’s full response (and to read more advice on association growth), check out the full interview from Board Forward, Insights for Volunteer Board Members, from SmithBucklin (November/December 2016 Edition).
Posted on November 18, 2016