Ave M CEO Featured in FORUM (Jan/Feb 2020)
Ave M CEO Featured in FORUM (Jan/Feb 2020)
Sheri Jacobs, FASAE, CAE, talks about finding success with non-dues revenue.
In the latest edition of FORUM, Avenue M President and CEO, Sheri Jacobs, FASAE, CAE, contributes to the cover story, “Branching Out to New Revenue.” Providing industry insight from her 10+ years of consulting experience within the association world, Sheri offers pieces of wisdom such as, “If its main sources of revenue starts to dry up, or if changing trends suggest it may not be around for much longer, an association must be prepared to pivot and change its business model. Not in the future, but right now.”
To read the full article from the Jan/Feb 2020 FORUM magazine, click here.
(Image credit: Sheri Jacobs)